


发布 2016年1月12日 在凌晨0点




佐治亚州梅肯市的. – Zippy 杜瓦尔 has been elected for a two-year term as American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF) president by the voting delegates at the 97th AFBF Annual Convention 1月uary 12, 在奥兰多, 佛罗里达.  杜瓦尔接替鲍勃·斯托曼, 谁在这个国家最大的监狱掌舵了16年, 最有影响力的一般农场组织. 杜瓦尔, 一个酷热的日子, 来自格林斯博罗的牛和干草生产者, 乔治亚州, 成为AFBF近97年历史上的第12任主席.

"I am so humbled and thankful for your support and belief in my leadership for AFBF president.  我将继续代表各州的所有农民和牧场主.  May God bless each of you as AFBF moves forward," 杜瓦尔 said after his election.

杜瓦尔 began his Farm Bureau journey as a volunteer at his local Greene County Farm Bureau, 他还在董事会任职吗.  In 1982, he won the GFB Young Farmer Achievement Award and went on to win the AFBF Award in 1983.  杜瓦尔是GFB青年农民委员会主席, 1987年, 他曾担任AFBF青年农民协会主席 & Ranchers Committee and on the AFBF Board under the leadership of the late AFBF President Dean Kleckner from Iowa.  杜瓦尔和他的妻子邦妮有四个孩子和三个孙子孙女.



班布里奇的杰拉尔德·朗, 乔治亚州, 是乔治亚州农场局(GFB)的新任主席, 该州最大的综合农业组织. 长, 谁自2008年起担任GFB第一任副总裁, 接替杜瓦尔,后者在当选AFBF主席后辞职.

The GFB bylaws provide a succession plan for the organization to fill the office of president if it is vacated. 长, 第一副总统是谁, 自2009年1月1日起担任GFB主席. 12. 他将担任GFB主席至12月6日, 2016, at which time GFB members will elect the next GFB president during their annual convention.  如果长愿意,他有资格竞选这个职位.

龙是一个养牛、种花生的多元化农民, 蔬菜, 玉米, 棉花, 干草, 他和家人一起在班布里奇附近的农场里吃小谷物和木材. He was first elected to the GFB Board of Directors in December 1999 as a GFB 9th District director representing 14 counties in Southwest 乔治亚州. In 2006, GFB voting delegates in the 53 counties in GFB’s South Region elected 长 as GFB South 乔治亚州 vice president. GFB voting delegates statewide have designated 长 to serve as GFB 1st vice president each year since 2008.

“乔治亚州农场局 is an organization that represents all of 乔治亚州 agriculture. 我们在当地与民选官员沟通, state and national level to voice the needs of agriculture and advocate for the farmer,朗说. “ While I served as 1st vice president I had the opportunity to represent all of 乔治亚州 and travel all over the state and meet county Farm Bureau leaders in their respective counties. Even though we may grow different commodities, we pretty much have the same issues. Serving as 1st vice president gave me an opportunity to see those issues and work through them to try to make it better for the farmers back on the farm. 作为乔治亚州农场局的主席,我将继续这样做.”      


自1970年起担任农业局成员, 长 currently serves on the Decatur County Farm Bureau Board of Directors as secretary/treasurer and is a past president and vice president of the Decatur County Farm Bureau.


朗和他的妻子, 珍妮丝, 我有三个成年子女:贾斯汀和儿媳, Kelli; Jared and daughter-in-law, Lori; and Jeanie and son-in-law, Diego Izurieta; and two grandchildren. The 长s are members of the First Baptist Church of Bainbridge where Mr. 他曾担任执事和多个委员会的成员.


除了他的农场局领导, 长 is a member of the 乔治亚州 Cattlemen’s Association and serves on the board of the Decatur County Cattlemen’s Association. He represents GFB on the 乔治亚州 Beef Board and serves as treasurer of the board.


长 was a founding board member of both the 乔治亚州 Peanut Producers and the 乔治亚州 Fruit & Vegetable Growers Association, and the Flint River Water Planning Policy Center. 他还任职于迪凯特县工业发展局. He attended Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College where he majored in crop science and animal science. He then served six months of active duty in the 乔治亚州 Army National Guard and six years of reserve duty.

乔治亚州农场局(GFB)主席Gerald 长说, 正确的, 以及GFB第一副主席小罗伯特·方丹. 从明年1月1日起为公司担任新的领导职务. 12 after former GFB President Zippy 杜瓦尔 was elected president of the American Farm Bureau Federation during the 97th Annual AFBF Convention 在奥兰多, 佛罗里达州. 1月. 12. 长 previously served as GFB 1st vice president and GFB South 乔治亚州 vice president. 除了担任GFB第一副总裁, 方丹将继续担任GFB乔治亚中学副校长.


继朗成为GFB的新主席后,小罗伯特·方丹. 伊曼纽尔县, who has served as the GFB Middle 乔治亚州 vice president for a total of 15 years, was designated by the GFB Board of Directors to serve as the organization’s 1st vice president until December 6, 2016, at which time GFB members will designate the next GFB 1st vice president during their annual convention. 方丹有资格参选,如果他愿意的话.

Fountain will continue to represent the 56 counties in the organization’s Middle 乔治亚州 region on the GFB Board of Directors. Fountain has served as GFB Middle 乔治亚州 vice president since 2009 and previously held the position from 1997 to 2006. He has served as the Emanuel County Farm Bureau president since 2004 and previously served as vice president and county director.


Fountain is the third generation to own his family's farm located in Emanuel and Johnson counties where he raises cattle, 干草, 木材, 小谷物和山核桃.


除了农业局, Fountain is an active member of numerous other agricultural organizations including the 乔治亚州 Cattlemen’s Association, 他在2001年至2002年期间担任该组织主席. 自2002年以来,Fountain一直代表GFB在乔治亚州牛肉委员会任职. 他目前正在服刑, three-year term on the national Cattlemen’s Beef Board (CBB) at the appointment of the U.S. 农业部长. He is also a member of the CBB Executive Committee and has served on numerous committees for the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association.


方丹毕业于佐治亚大学(University of 乔治亚州),获得了B.B.A. 管理学和农业经济学硕士.B.A. 在管理和金融方面. Fountain is a member of Adrian United Methodist Church where he teaches Sunday school and serves as treasurer and chairman of the church administrative board.


成立于1937年, 乔治亚州农场局 is the state’s largest general farm organization and works to promote agriculture through its 158 county chapters. 其志愿者成员积极参与当地活动, district and state activities that promote agriculture awareness to their non-farming neighbors. GFB also offers its members access to numerous benefits that include insurance products, 身份盗窃保护,旅游和医疗服务折扣. 


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